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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Lgbtqia'

Image of Youcef Hadjazi © Youcef Hadjazi

Illustrating queer migrant journeys

1 February 2021

Artist Youcef Hadjazi’s work, Queer Journeys, reflects how he has used his own experiences to creatively and collaboratively explore queer migrant journeys.

Youcef is delivering a talk as part of this year’s OUTing the Past Festival to share both his personal story and that of Queer Journeys to raise awareness on LGBTQ+ immigration.  We caught up with Youcef to find out what we can expect from his talk and to hear more about his own very personal journey.

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Image of Katy Ashton, Director @ People's History Museum

Being relevant and resonant in today’s world

14 February 2020

PHM celebrates its 10th birthday this year, here Director Katy Ashton looks back on a decade of success and looks forward to an ambitious future.

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Image of Never Going Underground banner, 1988, © People's History Museum

On the shoulders of giants: Remembering Alan Turing

22 August 2019

As we approach the weekend of Manchester Pride, Bernard Donoghue, Trustee at People’s History Museum (PHM) and CEO of the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) reflects on why he chose to be the PHM Radical Sponsor of Alan Turing.

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