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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Lgbtqi'

Image of Never Going Underground banner, 1988, © People's History Museum

On the shoulders of giants: Remembering Alan Turing

22 August 2019

As we approach the weekend of Manchester Pride, Bernard Donoghue, Trustee at People’s History Museum (PHM) and CEO of the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) reflects on why he chose to be the PHM Radical Sponsor of Alan Turing.

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Image of Rock Against Racism badge, around 1976 © People's History Museum

Protest playlist: A DJ's Mancunian highlights

24 May 2019

We’re exploring the past, present and future of protest throughout 2019, and have compiled our own protest playlist.  Here our friend, curator, DJ and co-founder of Manchester Digital Music Archive, Abigail Ward shares her highlights from Manchester’s history of rebel music.

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Image of 1983 Bermondsey by-election campaign leaflet © Peter Tatchell

PHM's Playwright in Residence Blog 3 of 3

27 February 2019

Stephen M Hornby, award winning Manchester writer, is coming to the end of his time as Playwright in Residence at People’s History Museum (PHM).  During his time with us, he has written the first draft of a play called First Rumours.  The play is about seasoned human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell’s time as a Labour Party candidate in the hugely controversial 1983 Bermondsey by-election.

First Rumours, was given a first rehearsed reading at People’s History Museum on Sunday 10 February 2019 followed by a Q&A with Peter Tatchell, chaired by LGBT activist and historian Paul Fairweather.  In his final blog for us, Stephen reflects on the experience of having Peter Tatchell attend the rehearsed reading of the play.

Blog 3 of 3: Mr Tatchell meets Mr Tatchell

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Image of 1983 Bermondsey by-election campaign leaflet © Peter Tatchell

PHM’s Playwright in Residence Blog 2 of 3

24 January 2019

Stephen M Hornby, award winning Manchester writer and Playwright in Residence to People’s History Museum (PHM), blogs about writing his new play, First Rumours, for us.  It’s about seasoned human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell’s time as a Labour Party candidate in the hugely controversial 1983 Bermondsey by-election.

First Rumours is given a first rehearsed reading at PHM on Sunday 10 February 2019 at 3.00pm.  The reading will be followed by a Q&A with Peter Tatchell, facilitated by LGBT activist and historian Paul Fairweather.  Booking essential.

Stephen undertook several lengthy interviews with Peter to write the play and this second blog is about a moment where it went a little wrong in the first of those interviews.

Blog 2 of 3: Mr Tatchell discovers he is gay

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Image of 1983 Bermondsey by-election campaign leaflet © Peter Tatchell

PHM's New Playwright in Residence Blog 1 of 3

29 November 2018

Stephen M Hornby, award winning Manchester playwright and Playwright in Residence at People’s History Museum (PHM), blogs about writing his new play for us.  It’s about seasoned human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell’s time as a Labour Party candidate in the hugely controversial 1983 Bermondsey by-election.

Stephen will give an insight into writing his new play and his process of using PHM’s archives in a series of three blogs.

Blog 1 of 3: Meeting Peter Tatchell for the first time, again

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