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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Image of PHM Community Curator Jenny White

A British Export that has Defined LGBT+ History, Past and Present

27 August 2021

As part of People History Museum’s (PHM) programme exploring migration, the museum commissioned a virtual LGBTQIA+ history tour focusing on the themes of race, migration and empire from refugee rights campaigners Prossy Kakooza and Maggy Moyo,  and PHM Community Curator Jenny White.  In this blog post Jenny explores how colonialism influenced ideas about gender roles and sexuality in Britain.


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Image of Artist Eva Mileusnic with her exhibition Counter flow the movement of cultures from one place to another at People's History Museum (1)

Counter-flow: Eva Mileusnic's inspiration

21 July 2021

This summer hundreds of beautifully decorated ceramic feet will be on display thanks to an awe inspiring exhibition and installation created by artist Eva Mileusnic.  In this blog we ask Eva about her art, inspiration and what visitors can expect from Counter-flow: the movement of cultures from one place to another exhibition and her series of family workshops.

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Image of Left to right Help Spain poster, 1937. Image courtesy of People's History Museum and Sam Jenkins, PHM's former Collections Manager

The Spanish Civil War: This far and no further

17 July 2021

In this blog about the Spanish Civil War, PHM’s former Collections Manager Sam Jenkins shares an insight into the events surrounding the bloodiest conflict seen in Europe since the end of World War I, and some of the stories that are told through the museum’s collection.

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Image of Left to right: British Museum’s Head of Britain, Europe & Prehistory, Jill Cook, and the Lampedusa cross, Francesco Tuccio, 2015, wood. © The Trustees of the British Museum.

The Lampedusa cross

18 June 2021

In this post, the British Museum’s Head of Britain, Europe & Prehistory, Jill Cook, takes a closer look at the Lampedusa cross – part of the British Museum’s A Spotlight loan, Crossings: community and refuge on display at People’s History Museum until Sunday 5 September 2021 and then touring to six more partner venues around the UK.

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Image of A Clarion bicycle. Copyright unknown

All roads lead to PHM

29 May 2021

The boom in cycling last year saw more people than ever hopping on the saddle. We asked avid cyclist and People’s History Museum’s (PHM) former Senior Visitor Experience’s Callum White to share six tried and tested routes to PHM from around Greater Manchester.

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